CFSA Scholarship and Awards Presentations

June 23, 2021

09:00 AM - 10:15 AM


The Canadian Fire Safety Association ( CFSA) is very proud of its scholarship program and each year we present financial bursaries to deserving college students enrolled in the Fire Safety Diploma program. Congratulations to the 2021 recipients:

$1,000.00 | CFSA Founders Award for Leadership & Excellence

Presented to the top graduating student of a 3 year full time Fire Protection Engineering Technology Program or similar University degree, who has demonstrated leadership qualities including a balance of academic excellence, outstanding leadership, motivation and community service. The applicant should excel in displaying outstanding leadership, display motivation and contribute to the fire safety community, achieve academic and technical skills to impact the fire safety community and outstanding concern for others/volunteerism.

$1,000.00 | CFSA Firetronics 2000 Inc. Fire Safety Award In Memory of Rich Morris  

Presented to a top 3rd year student in a 3 year full time Fire Protection Engineering Technology Program with outstanding leadership, motivational, technical skills and overall academic proficiency ≥ 3.3 GPA.

$1,000.00 | CFSA Matteo Gilfillan & Associates Inc. Award

Presented to a top 3rd year student in a 3 year Fire Protection Engineering Technology Program with exceptional academic proficiency of >3.6 GPA in Codes and Standards related courses and an overall proficiency >3.3 GPA.

$ 1,000.00 | CFSA the Building Reports Canada Award

Presented to a top graduating student of a 2 year Technician or 3 year Technology Program, with exceptional skills focused on Fire Alarm & Sprinkler Inspection, community contribution and an overall proficiency ≥ 3.0 GPA.

$1,000.00 | CFSA LRI Engineering Inc. Award   

Presented to a top 2nd year student of a 3 year fulltime Fire Protection Technology Course with exceptional overall skills in Fire Alarm System Technology and an academic proficiency ≥ 3.3 GPA.

$1,000.00 | CFSA Jensen Hughes Consulting Canada Award  

Presented to a top 2nd year student of a 3 year full time Fire Protection Engineering Technology Program with exceptional overall skills in Codes and Standards and an academic proficiency ≥ 3.3 GPA.

$1,000.00 | CFSA Nadine International Inc. Award    

Presented to a top 2nd year student of a 3 year fulltime Fire Protection Engineering Technology Program with exceptional overall skills in Fire Suppression Technology and an academic proficiency ≥ 3.3 GPA.

$1,000.00 | CFSA Siemens Canada Ltd. Award   

Presented to a top 1st year student or 2nd year in a Technician or Technology Program with a primary focus on Fire Alarm – Code and Design and an academic proficiency ≥ 3.3 GPA.

$500.00 | CFSA FCS Fire Consulting Services Ltd. Award    

Presented to a top 2nd year student in a 3 year full-time Fire Protection Engineering Technology Program with exceptional overall skills in Fire Code and Retrofit Courses and an academic proficiency ≥ 3.3 GPA.

$500.00 | CFSA Mircom Group Award       

Presented to a top 2nd year student in a Technician or Technology Program with exceptional overall skills focused on Fire Alarm system – Code, Design and Practical Lab Skills and an academic proficiency ≥ 3.3 GPA.

$500.00 | CFSA City of Markham, Buildings Standards Deptartment Award 

Presented to a top 1st year student in Fire Protection Engineering Technology or related Fire and Life Safety Diploma Program and an academic proficiency ≥ 3.3 GPA.

CFSA 2021 Scholarship Award Winners

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